This is a creative, just-for-fun question for those of you who have read Clark Ashton Smith's excellent weird tale "The Seven Geases," which can be considered a Cthulhu Mythos tale since it features Tsathoggua, and is in fact the very story which Atlach-Nacha and Abhoth come from.
At one point in the story, Ralibar Vooz is forced to enter the Cavern of the Archetypes, which is a nebulous, misty, fluid, cloudy, luminous place vaguely resembling prehistoric earth, filled with primal plants and animals and even humans though in a larger, mistier form, claiming to be the "originals" of all life of Earth.
This Cavern is a direct neighbor with the cavern of Abhoth, where Abhoth spawns uncountable hordes of mutant horrors.
In another story in the same setting, Clark Ashton Smith invented the creature Ubbo-Sathla, who is said to have spawned all earthly life as we know it, and is, much like Abhoth, described as a pool/mass of slime.
Could there be a link between Ubbo, Abhoth, and the Cavern of Archetypes? If you think so, what might it be? And could there possibly a link which Clark Ashton Smith himself might have considered while writing? Could Abhoth be an inferior state of Ubbo, and the Cavern of Archetypes their product?
submitted by /u/SkekLaf
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